Results of Middle East Gulf League (Group A), PWSO 2022

The first group of the Middle East Gulf League competed on May 23-24.

  • Paleogene / Sultan Qaboos University
  • Silurian / Sharif University of Technology
  • Devon / Alexandria University
  • Yura / Amirkabir University of Technology
  • Trias / University of Tehran

The first place was taken by the Paleogene / Sultan Qaboos University.

The final standings can be found via the following link:

This was the second tournament in the PWSO 2022 series. Due to the overwhelming number of applications from Middle Eastern countries, it was decided to divide this league into two groups, with Group A competing on May 23-24, and Group B competing later on June 6-7.

If you missed this tournament, you can take part in the next one, which Nafta College runs on a monthly basis. The PetroCup public tournament Calendar is available on the official Nafta College website, where you can book your next session:

See you at the next tournament!

