- Delta 1.0
- Beta 3.0
- Beta 2.1
- Kappa 1.0
- Beta 1
- Alpha 8.1
- Alpha 7
- Alpha 6.1
- Alpha 5
- Alpha 4
- Alpha 3
The Delta 1.0 deposit is located on a flat territory, on land.
Gas content is established in sediments, including the reservoirs: B2, B3 and B4.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was discovered by an exploratory well in 2016 year.
At the moment, 4 exploratory wells have been drilled at the field.
It is required to develop a project for the Delta 1.0 field with the aim of extracting the maximum amount of gas reserves.
Gas content is established in sediments, including the reservoirs: B2, B3 and B4.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was discovered by an exploratory well in 2016 year.
At the moment, 4 exploratory wells have been drilled at the field.
It is required to develop a project for the Delta 1.0 field with the aim of extracting the maximum amount of gas reserves.
History of field development
Symbol | Value | Unit | Property | |
1 | RFG | - | frac | Current Gas Recovery Factor |
2 | ∑ Qg | - | млн.м3 | Накопленная добыча газа |
Field summary data
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Ztop | -1547 / -1578 / -1600 | m | Average Formation Top |
2 | ZGWC | -1551 / -1588 / -1605 | m | Gas-Water Contact |
3 | H | 53.4 | m | Average Formation Thickness |
4 | Heff | 38.8 | m | Average Column Thickness |
5 | Hpay | 14.0 | m | Gas Column Thickness |
6 | Ti | 34 / 35 / 35 | °C | Initial Reservoir Temperature |
7 | Pi | 15200 / 15400 /15500 | kPa | Initial Reservoir Pressure |
8 | dPcf | 10000 | kPa/m | The pressure gradient at which cement destruction occurs behind the casing |
9 | Φ | 0.23 / 0.25 / 0.23 | frac | Effective Formation Porosity |
10 | cΦ | 0.729 | 1/hPa | Pore Compressibility |
11 | kh | 38 / 83 / 36 | mD | Average Permeability |
12 | kv/kh | 0.1 | frac | Vertical-to-Horizontal Perm Ratio |
13 | krgw/μg | 29.76 | cP-1 | Relative Gas Mobility |
14 | krwg/μw | 0.275 | cP-1 | Relative Water Mobility |
15 | swi | 0.292 / 0.288 / 0.291 | frac | Initial Water Saturation |
16 | sgr | 0.207 | frac | Initial Gas Saturation |
17 | STGIIP | 8108 | mln. m3 | Stock-Tank Gas Initial In-Place |
19 | EUGRF | 0.88 | frac | Estimated Ultimate Gas Recovery Factor |
The Beta 3.0 deposit is located on a flat territory, on land.
Oil content is established in sediments, including the reservoirs: B2 and B4.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was put into commercial development in 2008 year.
At the moment, 28 wells have been drilled at the field, 13 are in operation.
Due to the fact that the resulting aquifer is weakly active, a pressure maintenance system was introduced in 2009. The recommended ratio of production-injection wells is 3 to 1.
Accumulated compensation is around 93%, current compensation is 124%.
The project of further development of this field is aimed at increasing the current development indicators.
Oil content is established in sediments, including the reservoirs: B2 and B4.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was put into commercial development in 2008 year.
At the moment, 28 wells have been drilled at the field, 13 are in operation.
Due to the fact that the resulting aquifer is weakly active, a pressure maintenance system was introduced in 2009. The recommended ratio of production-injection wells is 3 to 1.
Accumulated compensation is around 93%, current compensation is 124%.
The project of further development of this field is aimed at increasing the current development indicators.
Production history
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Cur RFO | 0.33 | frac | Current Oil Recovery Factor |
2 | Cur VRR | 1.24 | frac | Current Voidage Replacement Ratio |
3 | ∑ Qo | 5.34 | mln m3 | Cumulative oil production |
4 | ∑ Qw | 9.46 | mln m3 | Cumulative water production |
5 | ∑ Qwi | 14.09 | mln m3 | Cumulative water injection |
6 | ∑ VRR | 0.93 | frac | Accumulated voidage replacement ratio |
7 | Yw | 93 | % | Current Watercut |
Field summary data
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Ztop | -2195 / -2251 | m | Average Formation Top |
2 | ZOWC | -2206 / -2252, -2257, -2260 | m | Oil-Water Contact |
3 | H | 13.0 | m | Average Formation Thickness |
4 | Heff | 10.3 | m | Average Column Thickness |
5 | Hpay | 10.3 | m | Oil Column Thickness |
6 | Ti | 65 | °C | Initial Reservoir Temperature |
7 | Pi | 22800 / 23750 | kPa | Initial Reservoir Pressure |
8 | dPcf | 1900 | kPa/m | The pressure gradient at which cement destruction occurs behind the casing |
9 | Φ | 0.209 / 0.140 | frac | Effective Formation Porosity |
10 | cΦ | 0.637 | 1/hPa | Pore Compressibility |
11 | kh | 189 / 45 | mD | Average Permeability |
12 | kv/kh | 0.1 | frac | Vertical-to-Horizontal Perm Ratio |
13 | krow/μo | 0.69 | cP-1 | Relative Oil Mobility |
14 | krwo/μw | 0.646 | cP-1 | Relative Water Mobility |
15 | swi | 0.347 / 0.423 | frac | Initial Water Saturation |
16 | sor | 0.3 | frac | Initial Oil Saturation |
17 | STOIIP | 16.2 | mln. m3 | Stock-Tank Oil Initial In-Place |
18 | ES @ ultimate | 0.83 | frac | Estimated sweep efficiency |
19 | EUR | 0.52 | frac | Estimated Ultimate Oil Recovery Factor |
The Beta 2.1 deposit is located on a flat territory, on land.
Oil content is established in sediments, including the reservoirs: B2 and B3.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was put into commercial development in 1996 year.
At the moment, 43 wells have been drilled at the field, 24 are in operation.
Due to the fact that the existing aquifer is weakly active, the recommended ratio of production-injection wells is 1 to 1.
Accumulated compensation is around 95%, current compensation is 103%.
The project of further development of this field is aimed at increasing the current development indicators.
Oil content is established in sediments, including the reservoirs: B2 and B3.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was put into commercial development in 1996 year.
At the moment, 43 wells have been drilled at the field, 24 are in operation.
Due to the fact that the existing aquifer is weakly active, the recommended ratio of production-injection wells is 1 to 1.
Accumulated compensation is around 95%, current compensation is 103%.
The project of further development of this field is aimed at increasing the current development indicators.
Production history
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Cur RFO | 0.35 | frac | Current Oil Recovery Factor |
2 | Cur VRR | 1.03 | frac | Current Voidage Replacement Ratio |
3 | ∑ Qo | 3.97 | mln m3 | Cumulative oil production |
4 | ∑ Qw | 17.42 | mln m3 | Cumulative water production |
5 | ∑ Qwi | 20.44 | mln m3 | Cumulative water injection |
6 | ∑ VRR | 0.95 | frac | Accumulated voidage replacement ratio |
7 | Yw | 95.8 | % | Current Watercut |
Field summary data
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Ztop | -1801 / -1823 | m | Average Formation Top |
2 | ZOWC | -1806– -1817 / -1835 | m | Oil-Water Contact |
3 | H | 20.7 | m | Average Formation Thickness |
4 | Heff | 11.3 | m | Average Column Thickness |
5 | Hpay | 11.3 | m | Oil Column Thickness |
6 | Ti | 54 / 56 | °C | Initial Reservoir Temperature |
7 | Pi | 17500 / 18700 | kPa | Initial Reservoir Pressure |
8 | dPcf | 1900 | kPa/m | The pressure gradient at which cement destruction occurs behind the casing |
9 | Φ | 0.162 / 0.144 | frac | Effective Formation Porosity |
10 | cΦ | 0.927 | 1/hPa | Pore Compressibility |
11 | kh | 48 / 56 | mD | Average Permeability |
12 | kv/kh | 0.1 | frac | Vertical-to-Horizontal Perm Ratio |
13 | krow/μo | 0.149 | cP-1 | Relative Oil Mobility |
14 | krwo/μw | 0.526 | cP-1 | Relative Water Mobility |
15 | swi | 0.32 | frac | Initial Water Saturation |
16 | sor | 0.3 | frac | Initial Oil Saturation |
17 | STOIIP | 11.2 | mln. m3 | Stock-Tank Oil Initial In-Place |
18 | ES @ ultimate | 0.71 | frac | Estimated sweep efficiency |
19 | EUR | 0.43 | frac | Estimated Ultimate Oil Recovery Factor |
The Kappa 1.0 deposit is located on a flat territory, on land.
Oil content is established in sediments, including the layers: B2, B3 and B4.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was put into commercial development in 1997 year.
At the moment, 51 wells have been drilled at the field, 40 are in operation.
Due to the fact that the existing aquifer is weakly active, the recommended ratio of production-injection wells is 4 to 1.
Accumulated compensation is around 99%, current compensation is 268%.
Reservoir pressure varies greatly in area, there are areas in which the energy connection is broken.
The project of further development of this field is aimed at increasing the current development indicators.
Oil content is established in sediments, including the layers: B2, B3 and B4.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was put into commercial development in 1997 year.
At the moment, 51 wells have been drilled at the field, 40 are in operation.
Due to the fact that the existing aquifer is weakly active, the recommended ratio of production-injection wells is 4 to 1.
Accumulated compensation is around 99%, current compensation is 268%.
Reservoir pressure varies greatly in area, there are areas in which the energy connection is broken.
The project of further development of this field is aimed at increasing the current development indicators.
Production history
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Cur RFO | 0.237 | frac | Current Oil Recovery Factor |
2 | Cur VRR | 2.68 | frac | Current Voidage Replacement Ratio |
3 | ∑ Qo | 4.61 | mln m3 | Cumulative oil production |
4 | ∑ Qw | 31.06 | mln m3 | Cumulative water production |
5 | ∑ Qwi | 35.42 | mln m3 | Cumulative water injection |
6 | ∑ VRR | 1.01 | frac | Accumulated voidage replacement ratio |
7 | Yw | 96 | % | Current Watercut |
Field summary data
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Ztop | -2181 / -2205 / -2237 | m | Average Formation Top |
2 | ZOWC | -2155- -2165 / -2173- -2183/ -2226 | m | Oil-Water Contact |
3 | H | 52.5 | m | Average Formation Thickness |
4 | Heff | 27.8 | m | Average Column Thickness |
5 | Hpay | 27.9 | m | Oil Column Thickness |
6 | Ti | 70 | °C | Initial Reservoir Temperature |
7 | Pi | 24300 / 24500 / 24900 | kPa | Initial Reservoir Pressure |
8 | dPcf | 1200 | kPa/m | The pressure gradient at which cement destruction occurs behind the casing |
9 | Φ | 0.16 / 0.123 / 0.164 | frac | Effective Formation Porosity |
10 | cr | 0.877 | 1/hPa | Pore Compressibility |
11 | kh | 163.1/ 36.5 /231.7 | mD | Average Permeability |
12 | kv/kh | 0.1 | frac | Vertical-to-Horizontal Perm Ratio |
13 | krow/μo | 0.079 | cP-1 | Relative Oil Mobility |
14 | krwo/μw | 0.414 | cP-1 | Relative Water Mobility |
15 | swi | 0.275/ 0.276/ 0.271 | frac | Initial Water Saturation |
16 | sor | 0.217 | frac | Initial Oil Saturation |
17 | STOIIP | 12.955 | mln. m3 | Stock-Tank Oil Initial In-Place |
18 | ES @ ultimate | 0.8 | frac | Estimated sweep efficiency |
19 | EUR | 0.583 | frac | Estimated Ultimate Oil Recovery Factor |
The Beta 1 deposit is located on a flat territory, on land.
Oil content is established in sediments, including the layers: B2, B3 and B4.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was put into commercial development in 2000 year.
At the moment, 50 wells have been drilled at the field, 30 are in operation.
Due to the fact that the existing aquifer is weakly active, the recommended ratio of production-injection wells is 1 to 1.
Accumulated compensation is around 112%, current compensation is 77%. Reservoir pressure varies greatly in area, there are areas in which the energy connection is broken.
The project of further development of this field is aimed at increasing the current development indicators.
Oil content is established in sediments, including the layers: B2, B3 and B4.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was put into commercial development in 2000 year.
At the moment, 50 wells have been drilled at the field, 30 are in operation.
Due to the fact that the existing aquifer is weakly active, the recommended ratio of production-injection wells is 1 to 1.
Accumulated compensation is around 112%, current compensation is 77%. Reservoir pressure varies greatly in area, there are areas in which the energy connection is broken.
The project of further development of this field is aimed at increasing the current development indicators.
Production history
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Cur RFO | 0.37 | frac | Current Oil Recovery Factor |
2 | Cur VRR | 0.77 | frac | Current Voidage Replacement Ratio |
3 | ∑ Qo | 2.77 | mln m3 | Cumulative oil production |
4 | ∑ Qw | 7.37 | mln m3 | Cumulative water production |
5 | ∑ Qwi | 11.66 | mln m3 | Cumulative water injection |
6 | ∑ VRR | 1.12 | frac | Cumulative voidage replacement ratio |
7 | Yw | 94 | % | Production Water Cut |
Field summary data
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Ztop | -1797 / -1836 / -1897 | m | Formation Top Datum – tvdss (top B1, top B2, top B3) |
2 | ZOWC | -1800 / -1830 / -1898 | m | Oil-Water Contact (Unit B1 / Unit B2 / Unit B3) |
3 | H | 48.9 | m | The average thickness of the geological bedding (Unit B1 / Unit B2 / Unit B3) |
4 | Heff | 26.1 | m | The average effective thickness of the reservoir (Unit B1 / Unit B2 / Unit B3) |
5 | Hpay | 26.1 | m | The average oil pay thickness (Unit B1 / Unit B2 / Unit B3) |
6 | Ti | 35 | °C | Initial formation temperature |
7 | Pi | 19200 | kPa | Initial reservoir pressur |
8 | dPcf | 800 | kPa/m | Cement failure pressure gradient |
9 | Φ | 0.153 | unit fraction | Average porosity |
10 | cr | 0.689 | 1/GPa | Rock compressibility |
11 | kh | 57.387 | mD | Average Horizontal Permeability |
12 | kv/kh | 0.150 | unit fraction | Vertical anisotropy of permeability |
13 | krow/μo | 0.372 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to oil / oil viscosity |
14 | krwo/μw | 0.225 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to water / water viscosity |
15 | swi | 0.150 | unit fraction | Initial water saturation |
16 | sor | 0.224 | unit fraction | Residual oil saturation |
17 | STOIIP | 7.618 | mln. m3 | Stock tank oil originally in place |
18 | ES @ ultimate | 0.810 | frac | Estimated Sweep Efficiency |
19 | EUR | 0.472 | unit fraction | Target oil recovery factor |
The Alpha 8.1 deposit is located on a flat territory, on land.
Oil content is established in sediments, including the layers: A2, A3 and A4.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was put into commercial development in 2001 year.
At the moment, 51 wells have been drilled at the field.
Due to the fact that the resulting aquifer is weakly active, a pressure maintenance system was introduced in 2005.
Despite the accumulated classification of production with 103% injection, reservoir pressure in some regions is quite low and the trend towards a decrease in reservoir pressure remains.
The project of further development of this field is aimed at increasing the current development indicators.
Oil content is established in sediments, including the layers: A2, A3 and A4.
Reservoir rocks of the productive strata are represented by terrigenous deposits.
The deposit was put into commercial development in 2001 year.
At the moment, 51 wells have been drilled at the field.
Due to the fact that the resulting aquifer is weakly active, a pressure maintenance system was introduced in 2005.
Despite the accumulated classification of production with 103% injection, reservoir pressure in some regions is quite low and the trend towards a decrease in reservoir pressure remains.
The project of further development of this field is aimed at increasing the current development indicators.
Production history
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Cur RFO | 0.337 | frac | Current Oil Recovery Factor |
2 | Cur VRR | 0.613 | frac | Current Voidage Replacement Ratio |
3 | ∑ Qo | 3.244 | mln m3 | Cumulative oil production |
4 | ∑ Qw | 6.946 | mln m3 | Cumulative water production |
5 | ∑ Qwi | 10.618 | mln m3 | Cumulative water injection |
6 | ∑ VRR | 1.03 | frac | Cumulative voidage replacement ratio |
7 | Yw | 93.4 | % | Production Water Cut |
Field summary data
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Ztop | -1598 / -1632 / -1705 | m | Average Formation Top |
2 | ZOWC | -1609.5 / -1642 / -1723 | m | Oil-Water Contact |
3 | H | 46.6 | m | Average Formation Thickness |
4 | Heff | 30.2 | m | Average Column Thickness |
5 | Hpay | 28.7 | m | Oil Column Thickness |
6 | Ti | 53/ 54/ 55.5 | °C | Initial Reservoir Temperature |
7 | Pi | 16200/ 16600/ 17000 | kPa | Initial Reservoir Pressure |
8 | dPcf | 1200 | kPa/m | The pressure gradient at which cement destruction occurs behind the casing |
9 | Φ | 0.15 | frac | Effective Formation Porosity |
10 | cr | 0.731 | 1/hPa | Pore Compressibility |
11 | kh | 24 / 26 / 24 | mD | Average Permeability |
12 | kv/kh | 0.1 | frac | Vertical-to-Horizontal Perm Ratio |
13 | krow/μo | 0.222 | cP-1 | Relative Oil Mobility |
14 | krwo/μw | 1.284 | cP-1 | Relative Water Mobility |
15 | swi | 0.242/ 0.279/ 0.336 | frac | Initial water saturation |
16 | sor | 0.233 | frac | Initial Oil Saturation |
17 | STOIIP | 9.610 | mln. m3 | Stock-Tank Oil Initial In-Place |
18 | ES @ ultimate | 0.73 | frac | Estimated sweep efficiency |
19 | EUORF | 0.55 | frac | Estimated Ultimate Oil Recovery Factor |
The asset Alpha 7 is located on a plain area, on-shore.
Oil was found in units B1, B2 and B3.
Oil productive reservoir layers mainly consist of organic limestones.
The production was launched in 2011,all planned wells were drilled by 2013. All injectors produced before switching to injection.
Hydraulic fracturing is recommended for this field. 38 wells have been drilled at the field so far, 17 of them with hydraulic fracturing.
In 2020, well No. 16 was abandoned for technical reasons. Due to high water cut well No. 21 was switched to another horizon.
Reservoir pressure in reservoirs B1 and B3 is quite low and keeps declining. B2 is a bottom water-drive reservoir, but still requires pressure maintenance.
Oil was found in units B1, B2 and B3.
Oil productive reservoir layers mainly consist of organic limestones.
The production was launched in 2011,all planned wells were drilled by 2013. All injectors produced before switching to injection.
Hydraulic fracturing is recommended for this field. 38 wells have been drilled at the field so far, 17 of them with hydraulic fracturing.
In 2020, well No. 16 was abandoned for technical reasons. Due to high water cut well No. 21 was switched to another horizon.
Reservoir pressure in reservoirs B1 and B3 is quite low and keeps declining. B2 is a bottom water-drive reservoir, but still requires pressure maintenance.
Production history
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Cur RFO | 0.259 | frac | Current Oil Recovery Factor |
2 | Cur VRR | 1.46 | frac | Current Voidage Replacement Ratio |
3 | ∑ Qo | 1.55 | mln. m3 | Cumulative oil production |
4 | ∑ Qw | 4.56 | mln. m3 | Cumulative water production |
5 | ∑ Qwi | 5.11 | mln. m3 | Cumulative water injection |
6 | ∑ VRR | 0.83 | frac | Cumulative voidage replacement ratio |
7 | Yw | 88 | % | Production Water Cut |
Field summary data
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Ztop | -1922 | m | Formation Top Datum - tvdss (top B1) |
2 | ZOWC | -1835 / -1892 / -2099 | m | Oil-Water Contact (Unit B1 / Unit B2 / Unit B3) |
3 | H | 44 | m | The average thickness of the geological bedding |
4 | Heff | 44.20 | m | The average effective thickness of the reservoir |
5 | Hpay | 10.43 | m | The average oil pay thickness |
6 | Ti | 34.6 | °C | Initial Formation Temperature @ OWC Unit B1 |
7 | Pi | 20033 | kPa | Initial Reservoir Pressure @ OWC Unit B1 |
8 | dPcf | 1500 | kPa/m | Cement Failure Pressure Gradient |
9 | Φ | 0.16 | unit fraction | Average porosity |
10 | cr | 7.6*10-7 | 1/kPa | Rock compressibility |
11 | kh | 109.67 | mD | Average horizontal permeability |
12 | kv/kh | 0.10 | unit fraction | Vertical Anisotropy |
13 | krow/μo | 0.07 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to oil/oil viscosity |
14 | krwo/μw | 0.41 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to oil/oil viscosity |
15 | swi | 0.43 | unit fraction | Initial water saturation |
16 | sor | 0.34 | unit fraction | Residual oil saturation |
17 | STOIIP | 5.276 | mln. m3 | Stock tank oil initial in-place |
18 | ES @ ultimate | 0.765 | unit fraction | Estimated Sweep Efficiency |
19 | EUR | 0.38 | unit fraction | Target oil recovery factor |
The Alpha 6.1 field is located in a plain area, on land, discovered in 2010 by the exploration well № E1.
The exploration well № E1 drilled in the upstructure portion of dome confirmed the presence of the structure and established the commercial oil content of the layers B1, B2 and B3.
The reservoir is mainly represented by terrigenous sediments.
At the moment, 4 exploration wells have been drilled at the field, seismic exploration has been performed.
There are other large fields In the immediate vicinity to the Alpha 6.1 field. Communication with the regional center is carried out by motor transport along the highway.
The climate of the region is temperate continental, characterized by significant daily and annual fluctuations in air temperatures. The average annual temperature ranges from 0°С to 1.5°С (maximum — +35°С, minimum — - 43°С). The frost-free period averages 105 days. During the year, 550-600 mm of precipitation falls, and the main part (more than 2/3) falls in the summer and autumn periods. The prevailing wind direction is south-westerly and only in autumn – north-westerly.
During the year there are up to 185 days with precipitation over 0.1 mm and up to 30 days with precipitation over 5 mm; 50% of rains are brought by western and southern cyclones.
A stable snow cover is established in early November and disappears in April. The thickness of the snow cover is on average 50-60 cm (minimum - 30 cm, maximum up to 1 m). The soil freezes to a depth of 1.3-1.6 m. In winter, there are 35-40 days with a snowstorm.
In 2014, the territory of Alpha 6.1 and the fields adjacent to it were covered by seismic surveys. As a result of a comprehensive interpretation of seismic data, the structural plan for reflecting horizons was refined.
The exploration well № E1 drilled in the upstructure portion of dome confirmed the presence of the structure and established the commercial oil content of the layers B1, B2 and B3.
The reservoir is mainly represented by terrigenous sediments.
At the moment, 4 exploration wells have been drilled at the field, seismic exploration has been performed.
There are other large fields In the immediate vicinity to the Alpha 6.1 field. Communication with the regional center is carried out by motor transport along the highway.
The climate of the region is temperate continental, characterized by significant daily and annual fluctuations in air temperatures. The average annual temperature ranges from 0°С to 1.5°С (maximum — +35°С, minimum — - 43°С). The frost-free period averages 105 days. During the year, 550-600 mm of precipitation falls, and the main part (more than 2/3) falls in the summer and autumn periods. The prevailing wind direction is south-westerly and only in autumn – north-westerly.
During the year there are up to 185 days with precipitation over 0.1 mm and up to 30 days with precipitation over 5 mm; 50% of rains are brought by western and southern cyclones.
A stable snow cover is established in early November and disappears in April. The thickness of the snow cover is on average 50-60 cm (minimum - 30 cm, maximum up to 1 m). The soil freezes to a depth of 1.3-1.6 m. In winter, there are 35-40 days with a snowstorm.
In 2014, the territory of Alpha 6.1 and the fields adjacent to it were covered by seismic surveys. As a result of a comprehensive interpretation of seismic data, the structural plan for reflecting horizons was refined.
Production history
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Cur RFO | 0.012 | unit fraction | Current Oil Recovery Factor |
2 | Cur VRR | 1.6 | unit fraction | Current Voidage Replacement Ratio |
3 | ∑ Qo | 0.165 | mln. m3 | Cumulative oil production |
4 | ∑ Qw | 0.156 | mln. m3 | Cumulative water production |
5 | ∑ Qwi | 0.233 | mln. m3 | Cumulative water production |
6 | ∑ VRR | 0.69 | unit fraction | Cumulative voidage replacement ratio |
7 | Yw | 43 | % | Watercut |
Field summary data
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Ztop | -1875 | m | Formation Top Datum - tvdss (top B1) |
2 | ZOWC | -1810 / -1820 / -1824 | m | Oil-Water Contact (Unit B1 / Unit B2 / Unit B3) |
3 | H | 40 | m | The average thickness of the geological bedding |
4 | Heff | 17.9 | m | The average effective thickness of the reservoir |
5 | Hpay | 12 | m | The average oil pay thickness |
6 | Ti | 45 | °C | Initial Formation Temperature @ OWC Unit B1 |
7 | Pi | 18.000 | kPa | Initial Reservoir Pressure @ OWC Unit B1 |
8 | dPcf | 2.000 | kPa/m | Cement Failure Pressure Gradient |
9 | Φ | 0.15 | unit fraction | Average porosity |
10 | cr | 5*10-7 | 1/kPa | Rock compressibility |
11 | kh | 38 | mD | Average horizontal permeability |
12 | kv/kh | 0.1 | unit fraction | Vertical anisotropy |
13 | krow/μo | 0.3 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to oil/oil viscosity |
14 | krwo/μw | 0.3 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to oil/oil viscosity |
15 | swi | 0.3 | unit fraction | Initial water saturation |
16 | sor | 0.25 | unit fraction | Residual oil saturation |
17 | STOIIP | 12 | mln. m3 | Initial oil in place |
18 | ES @ ultimate | 0.85 | unit fraction | Estimated Sweep Efficiency |
19 | EUR | 0.51 | unit fraction | Target oil recovery factor |
The asset Alpha 5 is located on the even land.
Oil presence was found in the deposits comprising units: B1, B2 and B3.
Reservoir layers of the productive formation mainly consist of organic limestones.
The asset was brought into commercial production in 1999.
Currently, 40 wells have been drilled at this field.
Given that the existing aquifer is not really active, it was decided to start a pressure maintenance system in 2000. Event thought the cumulative voidage replacement ratio is 120%, the reservoir pressure in some areas is still quite low and continues to decline. The redevelopment program of this asset aims to increase the current development parameters.
Oil presence was found in the deposits comprising units: B1, B2 and B3.
Reservoir layers of the productive formation mainly consist of organic limestones.
The asset was brought into commercial production in 1999.
Currently, 40 wells have been drilled at this field.
Given that the existing aquifer is not really active, it was decided to start a pressure maintenance system in 2000. Event thought the cumulative voidage replacement ratio is 120%, the reservoir pressure in some areas is still quite low and continues to decline. The redevelopment program of this asset aims to increase the current development parameters.
Production history
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Cur RFO | 0.18 | unit fraction | Current Oil Recovery Factor |
2 | Cur VRR | 1.5 | unit fraction | Current Voidage Replacement Ratio |
3 | ∑ Qo | 5.05 | mln. m3 | Cumulative oil production |
4 | ∑ Qw | 6.1 | mln. m3 | Cumulative water production |
5 | ∑ Qwi | 14 | mln. m3 | Cumulative water production |
6 | ∑ VRR | 1.2 | unit fraction | Cumulative voidage replacement ratio |
7 | Yw | 78 | % | Watercut |
Field summary data
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Ztop | -1600 | m | Mean true vertical depth (bottom part of unit B1) |
2 | ZOWC | -1660 / -1670 / -1680 | m | Oil-water contact (unit B1 / unit B2 / unit B3) |
3 | H | 91 | m | Average total reservoir thickness |
4 | Heff | 20 | m | Average effective reservoir thickness |
5 | Hpay | 18.5 | m | Average effective oil-saturated thickness |
6 | Ti | 45 | C | Initial reservoir temperature |
7 | Pi | 16,400 | kPa | Initial pressure at oil-water contact |
8 | Φ | 0.14 | unit fraction | Average porosity |
9 | cr | 4*10-7 | 1/kPa | Rock compressibility |
10 | kh | 53 | mD | Average horizontal permeability |
11 | kv/kh | 0.1 | unit fraction | Vertical reservoir heterogeneity |
12 | krow/μo | 0.3 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to oil/oil viscosity |
13 | krwo/μw | 0.3 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to oil/oil viscosity |
14 | swi | 0.3 | unit fraction | Initial water saturation |
15 | sor | 0.28 | unit fraction | Residual oil saturation |
16 | STOIIP | 27.2 | mln. m3 | Initial oil in place |
17 | ES @ ultimate | 0.86 | unit fraction | Target sweep efficiency |
18 | EUR | 0.5 | unit fraction | Target oil recovery factor |
The asset Alpha 4 is located on the even land.
Oil presence was found in the deposits comprising units: B1, B2 and B3.
Reservoir layers of the productive formation mainly consist of organic limestones.
The asset was brought into commercial production in 1999.
The first producer that was put into operation was well E5, and it had a high watercut as a result of water breakthrough.
Therefore, to avoid such situation in future, the production levels of the remaining producers were limited. Currently, 39 wells have been drilled at this field.
The pressure at this field is poor, and is only maintained through the water-bearing edgewater, this is why in 1991 it was decided to start pressure maintenance. Event thought the cumulative voidage replacement ratio is 131%, the reservoir pressure in some areas is still quite low and continues to decline.
The redevelopment plan aims to restore 2 million m3 of oil over the next 5 years to achieve the originally planned indicators.
Oil presence was found in the deposits comprising units: B1, B2 and B3.
Reservoir layers of the productive formation mainly consist of organic limestones.
The asset was brought into commercial production in 1999.
The first producer that was put into operation was well E5, and it had a high watercut as a result of water breakthrough.
Therefore, to avoid such situation in future, the production levels of the remaining producers were limited. Currently, 39 wells have been drilled at this field.
The pressure at this field is poor, and is only maintained through the water-bearing edgewater, this is why in 1991 it was decided to start pressure maintenance. Event thought the cumulative voidage replacement ratio is 131%, the reservoir pressure in some areas is still quite low and continues to decline.
The redevelopment plan aims to restore 2 million m3 of oil over the next 5 years to achieve the originally planned indicators.
Production history
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Cur RFO | 0.21 | unit fraction | Current Oil Recovery Factor |
2 | Cur VRR | 1.6 | unit fraction | Current Voidage Replacement Ratio |
3 | ∑ Qo | 6.8 | mln. m3 | Cumulative oil production |
4 | ∑ Qw | 7.6 | mln. m3 | Cumulative water production |
5 | ∑ Qwi | 19.8 | mln. m3 | Cumulative water production |
6 | ∑ VRR | 1.3 | unit fraction | Cumulative voidage replacement ratio |
7 | Yw | 76 | % | Watercut |
Field summary data
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Ztop | -1560 | m | Mean true vertical depth (bottom part of unit B1) |
2 | ZOWC | -1550 / -1590 / -1610 | m | Oil-water contact (unit B1 / unit B2 / unit B3) |
3 | H | 90 | m | Average total reservoir thickness |
4 | Heff | 38 | m | Average effective reservoir thickness |
5 | Hpay | 24 | m | Average effective oil-saturated thickness |
6 | Ti | 45 | C | Initial reservoir temperature |
7 | Pi | 15.500 | kPa | Initial pressure at oil-water contact |
8 | Φ | 0.16 | unit fraction | Average porosity |
9 | cr | 5*10-7 | 1/kPa | Rock compressibility |
10 | kh | 45 | mD | Average horizontal permeability |
11 | kv/kh | 0.1 | unit fraction | Vertical reservoir heterogeneity |
12 | krow/μo | 0.17 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to oil/oil viscosity |
13 | krwo/μw | 0.3 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to oil/oil viscosity |
14 | swi | 0.3 | unit fraction | Initial water saturation |
15 | sor | 0.28 | unit fraction | Residual oil saturation |
16 | STOIIP | 32 | mln. m3 | Initial oil in place |
17 | ES @ ultimate | 0.83 | unit fraction | Target sweep efficiency |
18 | EUR | 0.5 | unit fraction | Target oil recovery factor |
The Alpha 3 oil deposit is part of a giant oilfield located on the even land.
Oil presence was found in the deposits comprising units: A2, A3 and A4.
Reservoir layers of the productive formation mainly consist of organic limestones.
The asset was brought into commercial production in 1993.
The first producer that was put into operation was well E3, and it had a high watercut as a result of water breakthrough.
Therefore, to avoid such situation in future, the production levels of the remaining producers were limited.
Currently, 39 wells have been drilled at Alpha 3.
Aquifer was not active enough, this is why in 1996 it was decided to start pressure maintenance.
Event thought the cumulative voidage replacement ratio is 110%, the reservoir pressure in some areas is still quite low and continues to decline.
A field gathering system is present at the field. The current oil throughput available at the Alpha 3 is 600 m3/day, the liquid throughput is 800 m3/day. However, there is still a way to upgrade the field gathering system.
The pressure maintenance consists of the following elements: water intake, lift station and valve manifold. The water intake provides the lift station with 700 m3 of water per day, moreover the bottom water also feeds the lift station. A lift station has a pump with a maximum throughput of 1100 m3/day and a pressure of 100 bar. The pressure maintenance has the potential for improvement.
Oil presence was found in the deposits comprising units: A2, A3 and A4.
Reservoir layers of the productive formation mainly consist of organic limestones.
The asset was brought into commercial production in 1993.
The first producer that was put into operation was well E3, and it had a high watercut as a result of water breakthrough.
Therefore, to avoid such situation in future, the production levels of the remaining producers were limited.
Currently, 39 wells have been drilled at Alpha 3.
Aquifer was not active enough, this is why in 1996 it was decided to start pressure maintenance.
Event thought the cumulative voidage replacement ratio is 110%, the reservoir pressure in some areas is still quite low and continues to decline.
A field gathering system is present at the field. The current oil throughput available at the Alpha 3 is 600 m3/day, the liquid throughput is 800 m3/day. However, there is still a way to upgrade the field gathering system.
The pressure maintenance consists of the following elements: water intake, lift station and valve manifold. The water intake provides the lift station with 700 m3 of water per day, moreover the bottom water also feeds the lift station. A lift station has a pump with a maximum throughput of 1100 m3/day and a pressure of 100 bar. The pressure maintenance has the potential for improvement.
Production history
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Cur RFO | 0.24 | unit fraction | Current Oil Recovery Factor |
2 | Cur VRR | 1.2 | unit fraction | Current Voidage Replacement Ratio |
3 | ∑ Qo | 1.8 | mln. m3 | Cumulative oil production |
4 | ∑ Qw | 0.6 | mln. m3 | Cumulative water production |
5 | ∑ Qwi | 2.8 | mln. m3 | Cumulative water injection |
6 | ∑ VRR | 1.1 | unit fraction | Cumulative voidage replacement ratio |
7 | Yw | 52 | % | Watercut |
Field summary data
Abbr. | Value | Unit of measurement | Description | |
1 | Ztop | -1261 | m | Mean true vertical depth (bottom part of unit B1) |
2 | ZOWC | -1257 / -1260 | m | Oil-water contact (unit A2 / units A3+A4) |
3 | H | 30.1 | m | Average total reservoir thickness |
4 | Heff | 11.7 | m | Average effective reservoir thickness |
5 | Hpay | 11 | m | Average effective oil-saturated thickness |
6 | Ti | 32 | C | Initial reservoir temperature |
7 | Pi | 12.500 | kPa | Initial pressure at oil-water contact |
8 | Φ | 0.18 | unit fraction | Average porosity |
9 | cr | 5*10-7 | 1/kPa | Rock compressibility |
10 | kh | 24.3 | mD | Average horizontal permeability |
11 | kv/kh | 0.1 | unit fraction | Vertical reservoir heterogeneity |
12 | krow/μo | 0.2 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to oil/oil viscosity |
13 | krwo/μw | 0.6 | 1/cP | Maximum relative permeability to oil/oil viscosity |
14 | swi | 0.2 | unit fraction | Initial water saturation |
15 | sor | 0.2 | unit fraction | Residual oil saturation |
16 | STOIIP | 7.8 | mln. m3 | Initial oil in place |
17 | ES @ ultimate | 0.76 | unit fraction | Target sweep efficiency |
18 | EUR | 0.57 | unit fraction | Target oil recovery factor |